Parks Associates Blog

Monday, September 29, 2008

ChinaQ based on OpenSIM?

I still haven't got hold of ChinaQ. Tried to call a couple of times but no one's picking up. Therefore, I'm still not 100% sure about what's the level of support from China Telecom. I doubt it's a strategic investment from the corporate level.

I've also downloaded the client and visited the world. When I was there, it was totally dark (presumably night in China) and the world feels very much like Second Life in terms of aesthetics, features and functions. I had a conversation with some of the industry insiders in China, and they told me that ChinaQ seems to be built on top of OpenSIM. There hasn't been any confirmation or denial from Shenzhou Hengji about this. It makes sense given the similarity between ChinaQ and SL. Also, there have been user reports saying that when an error occurs in ChinaQ, the error message says Second Life.

Some experts in China pointed out the limitations of Second Life based world in China. They told me that the bandwidth in China right now has difficulty in supporting the Second Life streaming technology, which is bandwidth hungry.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

From our experts analysis ChinaQ seems to be plain RealXtend Viewer/Server 0.31 without any relevant changes besides some cosmetics.

They say on their web-site:
"China Telecom to build the Chinese version of 'Second Life' to create a reality outside of Second Life"

Perhaps this is a mistranslation because it should read:
"China Telecom took OpenSimulator based RealXtend and used it for a Chinese version of 'Second Life' to create a reality outside of Second Life"

OpenSimulator and the spin off RealXtend are the most interesting developments concerning 3D collaborative virtual worlds forming the upcoming Web 3D. They are very likely forming the base for Web3.0 as soon as they leave their current alpha status and become the standard for 3D-VR application serving. The urgently needed inter-world single sign on and the global authentification+avatarstorage solutions are already part of RealXtend wich makes it the best choice available at the moment.

TalentRaspel virtual worlds Ltd. uses OpenSimulator and RealXtend for business and is providing professional consultancy, development and realization of IT-projects based on its technology.

Kai Ludwig

TalentRaspel virtual worlds Ltd.

2:12 AM  

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